SWNA About Project News Liberal office
SWNA About Project News Liberal office
31 August 2023 The Chemical Reaction from SWNA to Liberal Office
12 November 2022 Fritz Hansen 150 Years Anniversary Exhibition
29 January 2021 SWNA-ANSW Last 10 Years 'Objects in Context'
12 November 2021 Hangeul Design transformation of form
25 November 2020 Record 284 'Replay Culture' Exhibition in Culture Station Seoul 284
2020 10 Principles of Good Design Today
1 January 2020 Hotel Social Exhibition in Station Seoul 284
2019 Domus Korea
2019 Prugio Launch
2019 SWNA exhibition 'Raw of Thought by SWNA' in Hyundai Card Design Library
2018 SWNA in Monocle
2018 Oh Creator Book
2018 Coffee Social Exhibition in Station Seoul 284
2017 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Launch
05 January 2018 Speaking about 'Everyday questions make innovation' in Sebasi
17 November 2017 Chosun Media Interview
04 January 2017 3M X Monthy Design Interview
01 October 2017 Creative Thinking in Imagery Interview
06 March 2016 Design Essay for Naver Designpress
15 September 2013 Forbes Korea
2012 Zero G Series in Gestalten 'LUX'
December 2012 Monthly Design ‘Korea Design Awards 2012’
18 July 2013 Republic of the Two, Arko Art Center